Wisconsin Professional Police Association

Serving Wisconsin's Finest Since 1932

New Presidents

First-Time President’s Checklist

So, you’ve been elected president of your local association. Congratulations! Where do you go from here? We hope this checklist will help you get started.

  1. at the WPPA Madison Office about the change of officers for your local association:
    608-273-3840 • 608-273-3904 (FAX)
  2. Give her your local association’s name and the names and addresses of the newly-elected officers. Also, she will need the work and home telephone numbers of the president and treasurer. (The numbers will be used only for Association business.)
  3. If you are a full-service local of the WPPA, contact your local association’s business agent. If you do not know who your business agent is, contact the WPPA Madison office at 608-273-3840.
  4. Advise your business agent about the new officers of your local association and give them their telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and any personal e-mail addresses. The telephone numbers are very important to the business agent; it is hard to do business without them. Also, provide the agent with the best times to call.
  5. Ask your business agent if they would like to correspond via e-mail. For some business agents, this is a very efficient way to do business.
  6. Ask your business agent about any current issues they may be working on for your local association—such as outstanding grievances and current contract status.
  7. If your agreement will expire during your term as president, you should decide who will represent your association during bargaining. Discuss this with your business agent.
  8. Ask your business agent how they want your local association to handle grievances.
  9. Thoroughly review your current collective bargaining agreement and your local association’s bylaws. If you would like to establish new by-laws or update your old ones, please contact your business agent for assistance.
  10. As soon as possible, schedule a meeting with the newly-elected officers of your local association and, if applicable, the local association’s board members. At this meeting, make sure each officer knows his or her duties.
  11. Useful committees you may wish to form:
    • Fund-Raising
    • Political Action
    • Public Relations
    • Grievance
    • Bargaining
  12. Ask the past president of your local association about fund-raising activities of your local.
  13. Have your local association’s books audited.
  14. General meetings of your local association should be held in accordance with your bylaws or in the absence of bylaws, as needed to conduct the business of your association. If your local association does not have bylaws, follow Robert’s Rules of Order in your association meetings.
  15. If you have questions, contact your business agent or the WPPA Madison office.
  16. Please feel free to print out this checklist.